To Our Shining Star

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

In Memory of Baby Gracielle

Monday, December 3, 2007

Detailed Fetal Anomaly Ultrasound Scan

This is the final scan that determines the fate of Baby 2.

The moment Dr TC Chang started the scan, it was obvious that her umbilical cord has now developed into a sac. Dr Chang detected that both her liver & intestines are in the sac. Her abdominal space was super tiny. Her shape has deformed a bit.

Another finding this time was her cardiac axis (heart) is deviated to the extreme left which means Baby 2 will need to go thru another operation if we decided to continue the pregnancy.

It's really a double blow! Both Dr Chang & Dr Cheng suggested that we talk to a paediatric surgeon to understand how extensive the corrective operations will be like. However, both their body language & expressions told us that the chances are very slim. Thought it is not necessary anymore.

John & I decided to give up Baby 2. Not because we are selfish or cowards, but we could not bare to let her suffer knife cuts at such a tender age.

Broke the new to my folks, they're extremely shocked & upset. I felt so heartpain to hurt them in this way, but have to assure them that I am okay.

Well, I have prepared for this & think that I should be okay..... I hope

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