To Our Shining Star

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

In Memory of Baby Gracielle

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

CVS Results

Got CVS results today. Baby 2's chromosomes count is correct, ruled out Down's. It's a girl!

The uncertainty right now is Omphalocele. Dr Cheng did a scan at his clinic & said he could hardly see anything in the umbilical cord... Suggested a detailed scan done by Dr TC Chang, who is the expert is fetal assessment, so it'll be done on 3 Dec.

Hubby & I are much better now...

Thanks to family & friends for their prayers, support, love & help!

Special thanks to...
- Delci (EZmum), a fellow blogging mom whom I've never met her before, for your encouragements & helping me to find resources!
- Those who have cried with me during those first few days. Don't want to mention names, you know who you are!

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