To Our Shining Star

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

In Memory of Baby Gracielle

Thursday, November 1, 2007


I went for a risk assessment for fetal anomalies on Monday. It is more accurate test for screening Down's Syndrome.

Received a call from the clinic at 8.38am yesterday: "Amy, your test results are out and it shows hish risk. Dr Cheng would like to see you today to discuss about it!" I was badly strucked by this call. Cried along to journey to work, both John & I were silent. Fixed appt for 4pm, John was unable to make it. It was coincident that Daphne's appt was at 3pm, so I asked her to accompany me. Couldn't calm myself down the entire morning, negative thoughts kept flowing into my mind.

The result shown that there is a mass (could be intestines or liver) in the umbilical cord - a condition called Omphalocele. This condition may be correct at birth, in common terms, out everything back into the abdominal & sew back. Provided that there is sufficient space. However, if scans shows that baby's abdominal is not growing well, will have to terminate the pregnancy.

The reading also showed that there is a possibility of low chromosomes. My ratio is very close to the cut-off mark. Dr Cheng suggested further tests, if it's confirm that chromosomes are low, he advised a termination. Tests will be done this week and will know the results in 2 weeks' time.
Why must it be me? Just my a** luck? I was really looking forward to my 2nd trimester & people in the office already known that I am prego 2 days ago! It must be a real joke if I have to terminate the pregnancy! Somehow, I don't feel "connected" to Baby 2 the entire day. Momma Zue told me earlier today not to think of the negative, but I cannot do it.

Wept through my journey home in the bus, felt sorry for Daphne as I did not want to talk about it. She quietly accompanied me. Thanks, Sis!!! Do not intend to break the news to the folks as yet, so have to pretend to be normal at home. Luckily, when I reached home & saw Gabby I told myself I have to be stronger for Gabby. I felt calmer....

I still cannot talk about it, not even with John. I think he must be equally lost & upset. Decided to blog this down, at least I felt better......

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