To Our Shining Star

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

In Memory of Baby Gracielle

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Gracielle's 1st Check Up

Gabby was delivered by Mr W C Cheng simply because of my bicornuate uterus. We were worried that there'll be complications during my pregnancy and were confident that Mr Cheng, being the top-notch O&G. We breezed thru our pregnancy & successfully gave birth to Gabby.
This time round we kind of know what to expect based on my condition and also the fact the Mr W C Cheng is too pricey and long waiting time. We decided to switched to his son, Dr L C Cheng since been hearing good feedback about him from friends & Sis.

After a good long break of not visiting the O&G, I was a bit lost in the clinic. Hmmm... last was post-natal PAP smear after I delivered Gabby *Guilty* Forgot that I have to take my weight 1st b4 going to the reception, dunno where to take urine & blood test. Hahahaha! Took me a while to get oriented with the place

While waiting outside the doc's room, Nurse Pat recognised me! *Surprised* She even asked me if Cher Yen is my sister. When I met Dr L C Cheng his 1st qn was " Are you Cher Yen's sister?"... Okay, now I am labelled as "Cher Yen's sister" Hahaha

He asked about any significance difference btwn both preg so far and my ans was YES! Puke all the time. He said then baby could be a boy then, usually it's the opposite gender if symptoms are extreme. We discussed about my bicornuate uterus and then about natural or C-Sect delivery. It was highlighted to me that since Gabby was C-Sect delivery, I need to fulfill certain criterias strictly in order to opt for natural. Baby must not be too big, Gabby was born 3.4kg that's considered big, must be less than 3kg. My hip size must be wide enough. Still long way to go, but thinking back on Gabby's birth process, I am more or less certain that I want to go for C-Sect. Hihihihi......

Ultrasound scan was positive. Foetus is clearly visible on the left uterus. Gabby was on the right, so another worry that if my left uterus is as competent as the right side. Baby2 is now 8 wks old, 22mm, with a tiny pair of hands & legs and very strong heartbeat. EDD is 10 May 2008. John, your wish may come true!!! Dr Cheng was very positive about my condition right now, we just have to monitor closely.

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