To Our Shining Star

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

In Memory of Baby Gracielle

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

7th Day Anniversary

For the past few days, we've received lots of condolences and encouraging words telling us to be strong, life goes on. Well, we just find that we can't let go. Perhaps there has never been a closure to this episode in our lives, how are we going to let go & move on? We just left Gracielle at the hospital last Friday, we don't even know how her remains were being handled.

For the past few days, I've been thinking a lot....about Gabrielle & Gracielle. Gabrielle has been showered with all the love and toys from us, but Gracielle had nothing at all, not even a hug! Except a nice, sweet name that we've given her.

I cried for my baby every day & night.... I don't think I will ever be able to let go..... but life still goes on.

Today it's 7th day anniversary of little Gracie's passing. Weather was good. We set off 3 balloons at the beach for her, hoping that she'll receive our love for her. It's never easy to let go, but we have to start somewhere, I think this does help, at least I felt calmer after that.

Gracielle, Momma looked up into the sky again tonite and there's shining star.... Was that you?

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Elaine said...
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