To Our Shining Star

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

In Memory of Baby Gracielle

Saturday, December 13, 2008

For My Unborn Child

I never got to see your face
But in my heart, you hold a special place
And for that, I would never be the same

I'll never hear you laugh or cry
Or hold you in my arms tenderly
But I will still love you endlessly

I never got to hold you hand
I never got to sing you a lullaby
I will never come to understand
Why murderers run free and innocent souls die

I'll always have my suspicions
Why it must happened to you
All these unanswered questions
That would burn inside of me

Forever saddened upon this Earth
Crying for you, my unborn child
Never blessed by your birth.
But I’ll be here, unable to smile

You are my shining light in heaven
For one of angels to love
Until I get my wings to descend
She’ll take care of you, for me, in Heaven above

You’ll be my Guiding Light to Heaven’s Gate
Where I’ll get to see your Angelic Smile
And even if I never got to see your face
I’ll know in an instant that you are my unborn child!
My Dearest Gracielle,
How time flies... it's exactly a year since you left us. Many things have changed within this year... Por2 had passed on to take care of you in heaven. For which Momma is assured that you are no longer alone. I hope you are not giving Por2 a hard time, be a good girl, ok? Momma want to tell you that I've never forget what we've been thru a year ago at the operating theatre. Just as I thought I will be able to cope on your 1st anniversary, I realised that the pain is still raw. Whatever happened a year ago, from the moment I've received news about the complication of the pregnancy till the moment I was put under GA...everything comes back into my mind...vividly. We hope that you will be a happy angel and keep por2 company.
Daddy, Momma & Jie2 miss you dearly!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Thinking of You

Dearest Gracie,

Today, Gabby & I took a coach up to KL. Gabby was looking up into the sky for so long. Momma asked her what was she looking at and her reply was "I am thinking of Yi Ting...."
So am I, dear....

Monday, March 17, 2008


Yi Xian Jie2 said... "Daddy, Mommy, Yi Xian & Yi Ting...We are a family!"

Yes, we are indeed a family! My dear Yi Ting, even though we are far apart, you are part of our family. This will never change!


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

49th Day Anniversary

Our Dearest Gracielle!

Today is the 49th day after your passing, Daddy & Momma took off to remember you this day. We hope you are well taken care of in heaven. We want to let you know that since you left us, we have been thinking of you every single day, including Gabrielle Jie2. You have always been included in our routine goodnite kisses & hugs & this will remains forever.

To honour you, we've set off 3 balloons, each carried our love & messages to you. We hope you've received it.

Love & Hugs....Daddy, Momma & Jie2

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Gabby Jie: Momma, our Yi Ting is a brave girl hor?
Momma: Yes, she is! She's alone in the sky watching us.
Gabby: I love Yi Ting & you, Momma.
Momma: Yes, I love you & Yi Ting, too!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Shining Star

As I look up to the sky
I really wonder why
We had to let you go

But I know where you are
When I look out for
And see your shining star

There you are, and there you'll stay
Shining in the milky way
Far, far out of reach

If I could have had a few last words
Speech would have left me like a flight of birds
I wouldn't have known what to say

You'll always have a place, a part
Deep inside my troubled heart
Where you'll never leave

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Dearest Yi Ting,

Momma had a good cry tonight, was thinking of you & couldn't stop crying....

I wonder if you are lonely up there? Uncle Helmy & Aunty Ann told Momma that they have told Aiman & Ransel gor2 to take care of you. I hope they did.

Momma cannot stop thinking of you everyday!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

宝贝- Dearest...



Dearest Gracielle,

Gabrielle Jie2 told Momma.... Gracielle is her dearest.
Momma replied... Gracielle is everyone's dearest!

You are our dearest and you will have a special place in our hearts!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Can't Stop Thinking of You

Our dearest Gracielle,

It's been one month since you left us Daddy, Momma & Jie2, we hope that you are fine in heaven. There must be a lot of friends to play with you!

Daddy, Momma & even Jie2 never stop thinking of you. Each night when Momma & Jie2 walk home, we looked up the sky to search for you. Jie2 even said "Hello" & "Love Yi Ting", did you hear that? On rainy days, you'd be blocked by rain clouds and we went home with disappointment.

Jie2 told Daddy one night: "Daddy, our Yi Ting is in the sky you know? I never get to see her already" Both Daddy & Momma were sadden by her words... Yes, we'll never to see you.

Tonight, Jie2 told Momma that she don't want you to be in the sky. Momma's tears rolled and told her that Yi Ting will be in our heart.

We love you, Yi Ting!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year

Dearest Gracie,

It's a new year today and Darrion Gor2 has arrived. Holding him in my arms makes me feel that I'm holding you. At least a little bit comfort for me......